How to ANSWER Interview Question, “Why SHOULDN’T we hire you?”

Why shouldn’t we hire you? How do you answer this tricky interview question without failing your interview?

If you have a job interview coming up soon for any role or company, make sure you read this article very well because you will learn the perfect answer to this tricky interview question.

How to ANSWER this TOUGH Interview Question, “Why SHOULDN’T we hire you?”

To help you pass your interview, below are the following four things that will be covered in this article.

  • Reasons why the interviewer is asking you the question, why shouldn’t we hire you? Because if you understand why the question is being asked, you can then give a top scoring answer.
  • You will learn the perfect answer to the question, why shouldn’t we hire you, which is guaranteed to impress the hiring manager.
  • You will also learn a brilliant example answer to the interview question, “why should we hire you?” To make sure you are fully prepared for your interview.

Reasons why is the interviewer asking you the question, why shouldn’t we hire you?

  • They are asking you this tricky interview question because they want to see how well you think on your feet and tackle one of the hardest interview questions asked.
  • The interviewer also wants to assess whether you understand what they are looking for in the ideal candidate.

Let now look at the perfect answer to this difficult interview question.

Why Shouldn’t We Hire You Sample Answer

Question: Why shouldn’t we hire you?

Example Answer:

“You shouldn’t hire me if you want someone who does the bare minimum in the role and who does the same thing day in and day out.

You shouldn’t hire me if you want someone who won’t seek ways to help your company grow and save money.

You also shouldn’t hire me if you want someone that won’t embrace change with a positive mindset.

And you certainly shouldn’t hire me if you are looking for a candidate that isn’t loyal, trustworthy, and who is likely to move on to a different company soon after starting work in the role.”

That was a brilliant and clever answer to the tricky interview question, “why shouldn’t we hire you?”

At the end of the interview, the hiring manager will say to you, “Why Should We Hire You?” When answering this tricky interview question, make sure you focus on how you will ADD VALUE to their company in the role.

Let now let look at how to answer the other difficult interview question, “Why should we hire you?”

How to Answer, Why should we hire you?

Question: Why should we hire you?

Example Answer:

“You should hire me because I have the knowledge, experience, and skills to come into the role and have an immediate and positive impact.

You should hire me because I need little supervision in my work, which means you won’t have to spend your valuable time monitoring me.

You should hire me because I already have a 30 day plan in place of what I will do in the role when I start work.

You should also hire me because I have a track record of success. For example, in my previous role, I suggested to my manager that we could outsource certain company tasks to online contractors using a particular website, which helped save the company time and money.

Finally, you should hire me because I always take ownership of difficult problems and challenges and I will willingly do tasks that are outside of my job description.”

That’s a brilliant example answer to that question, why should we hire you? From the example answer above, a particular line talked about “having a 30 day plan in place of what I will do in the role.” If you want to get full explanation of what a 30 day plan looks like, read this article => How To Present A 30-60-90 Day Plan In A Job Interview.

Thank you so much for reading this article and I wish you all the best for passing your job interview.

by Scholars Hub

Scholars Hub is a site created for Scholars, to guide you write professional CV, professional Resume, Biodata, Common Interview Questions and Answers. is NOT awarding scholarships, is NOT an employment site, NOT recruiter or agency or third party, and is NOT directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment or employment. We don’t charge anything for any information shared in this site.

The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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