Interview Question: Why is there a gap in your employment history best answers

In this article, you will learn three brilliant example answers to this job interview question, Why is there a gap in your employment history?

If you have any job interview coming up soon for any role or company, please make sure you read this article very well because it will help you be the standout candidate.

Good Reasons For Gaps in Employment

First of all, let look at the four good reasons for gaps in employment.

Below are the reasons:

  1. Say you went traveling to experience different cultures, languages and ways of living, which all helped to enhance your interpersonal and communication skills.
  2. Say you took time off work to raise your family and that was your priority at that time in your life.
  3. Say you took time away from work to take care of sick or elderly relatives.
  4. Say you took time away from work to study a training course that helped you to gain new qualifications and skills that could then be used in the workplace.

These are all good sample reasons for having a gap in employment.

Let now look at the three brilliant example answers to that tricky interview question, Why is there a gap in your employment?

Why is there a gap in your employment history best answers

Question: Why there is a gap in your employment history?

Example Answer:

“The gap in my employment is because I went traveling. It was something I wanted to do for a long time.

Although traveling around the world was fun, I gained so much more from it. I got to experience different cultures, different languages, different ideas and different ways of living.

All of these experiences that I gained whilst traveling not only made me a better person, but they gave me so much more in terms of skills that I can bring to the workplace.

I’ve now finished traveling and I’m ready to commit to the role.”

Question: Why is there a gap in your employment history?

Example Answer 2:

“The gap in my employment was because I needed to spend time taking care of my elderly parents. They were not very well. They were my priority at the time, so I took time out of work to look after them.

However, they are now better and I am ready to commit to your organization in this role.”

Question: Why is there a gap in your employment history?

Example Answer 3:

“The gap in my employment is because I’m a single parent and I needed to take time out of work to look after and raise my children.

It was something that was a priority for me at the time. However, my children are now at the age where I can return to work and I’m refreshed and ready to commit to your organization in this role.”

There’s three brilliant example answers to that difficult interview question, why is there a gap in your employment?

Thank you so much for reading and for paying attention, and I wish you all the best for passing your interview.

by Scholars Hub

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The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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