How to Write a Resume while Changing Career

It’s not a new thing for anyone to want to change career from one field to another field, you will not be the first person to thing about such nor will you be the last person. Change can be quite difficult and challenging, I will be analyzing few reasons why we needed to change career, and majorly the reasons are to enhance growth in all sphere of human life.

However it is more important for one to have a genuine reason or two at mind before considering a career change.


  1. Why Do I Want To Change Career

I’m sure you won’t just want to jump at changing career without asking your inner being why you came to conclusion about of changing your present career part to another. This could vary from different reasons, from toxic working environment, Boss issues, colleagues’ differences, too much competition at work or so many more reasons. In fact, family issues could prompt one to change career, but whatever the case may be, you really need to think and rethink over it again and again to make sure you know what exactly you are doing.

  1. What Career Do You Want

After thinking of changing career, the next think is to consider what other career you really want that will give an answer to whatever reason made you to consider changing your career. Some career change can allow you to still have a career in the same industry but different department, while others are total change of industry; however it is good to consider career in industry where you can cope and showcase the best potentials.

  1. Be Patient

Changing career may sound like a strange thing to some HR managers and feel you don’t know what you want. It is very important for you to be patient because it might quite difficult to consider someone changing career to a new industry. While considering a change in career, this might take up to a 3months or more to get a new job. Experts will always advise you not to quit your present job before you considering seeking a new career. It will always be hard to digest but you have to be totally patient.

  1. Prepare Your Mind For New Challenges

Changing career is kind of weird, you might have attained some big post in your former career, you are actually going to let go of those achievement and post, you might have to start all over again. All your years of experience won’t be recognized in this new career, there may be a reduction in your salary and all other unseen things that might be show up in your new career. However, you have to prepare your mind for so many things.

  1. Seek Work Experience via Voluntary Services

Changing career is quite challenging as some firms won’t consider anyone who don’t have experience in the potential opportunities available. However, there are many voluntary services that are in that new field you are considering to work. You can make research and consider joining a voluntary group that is in the industries that you consider to change to.

  1. Make Connection

It is very important to make connections with people you have met during your previous jobs. Getting job especially changing career may require your potential employer to ask to relevant referees to gain trust about the employee. However, friends, colleagues, clients at your previous job can help in securing job at a new industry.


by Scholars Hub

Scholars Hub is a site created for Scholars, to guide you write professional CV, professional Resume, Biodata, Common Interview Questions and Answers. is NOT awarding scholarships, is NOT an employment site, NOT recruiter or agency or third party, and is NOT directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment or employment. We don’t charge anything for any information shared in this site.

The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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