7 Tips For Reducing Interview Stress, Nerves & ANXIETY

How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety: In this article you will learn how to overcome interview anxiety. If you have a job interview coming up, it is understandable that you are going to be nervous and anxious.

To help you pass your interview, this article have seven really important tips that are going to help you reduce anxiety and stress levels to a point that will help you to be the standout candidate during your interview.

How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety | Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tips

  • Tip 1: Make sure you rationalize your fears

Write down a list of the reasons why you are so anxious before your interview and then determine from the list the things that you can control. Your list might look something like this:

  • I am anxious because I really want this job and I don’t want to fail.
  • I am anxious because I don’t think I will be able to answer the interview questions correctly.
  • I am anxious because I don’t want to make a fool of myself.

Once you’ve created your list, the next step is to look at each point individually, rationalize it and put it into perspective.

  • I am anxious because I really want this job and I don’t want to fail

That’s understandable. But if you do fail, it really does not matter. There will be other jobs that you can apply for, and an interview is a learning experience. It is important to remember that.

If you fail the interview, it’s not necessarily a reflection of your abilities. This job might just not be the best position for you at this moment in time.

If we achieved everything that we set out to achieve in life, we would never learn anything, and life would be rather boring. So don’t be afraid to fail because remember, it’s an opportunity for you to learn and improve.

  • I am anxious because I don’t think I will be able to answer the interview questions correctly

This is something you can control. You can practice your answers before you attend the job interview.

  • I am anxious because I don’t want to make a fool of myself.

You are not going to make a fool of yourself, the interviewer expects you to be nervous and anxious. In fact, if you weren’t anxious, the interviewer would question your desire to get hired. It is good to have some nerves during your interview because it means that you care and it also tells the interviewer that you really want the job.

Make sure you write down a list of the things that you are nervous about and then rationalize them and put them into perspective.

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 2: Start treating the interview as a meeting

The word interview makes all of us nervous. However, if we think about a job interview, it is basically just a meeting between two people, you and a potential employer. So from now on, start thinking about the interview as a basic meeting.

You are going to meet a potential employer to answer a few simple questions to see if they are interested in hiring you and also whether or not you want to work for them.

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 3: Low down during the interview

This is a great way to reduce your nerves and your anxiety levels. When we’re anxious, we tend to rush things. Lots of interview candidates rush their answers because they want the interview to be over as soon as possible.

However, if we take a few seconds to consider the interview question being asked and what we are going to say in response, the difference can be significant.

During your interview, slow down the pace, listen to the interviewer, take deep breaths and take a second or two to think before you speak.

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 4: Feel good about yourself

If you feel good about yourself before your job interview, this not only increases confidence levels, but it also reduces anxiety too.

So how can you feel good about yourself during your interview?

Dress smart, dress professionally, make an effort in your appearance, and this will automatically make you feel more confident.

Make sure you smile during your interview. This is a simple, yet highly effective way to reduce interview anxiety because when we smile, our brains release tiny molecules called neuropeptides, which help to fight off anxiety and stress.

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 5: Make sure you research the company before your interview

If you research the company you are applying to work for, this automatically reduces anxiety because it gives you the confidence to answer some of the interview questions that are guaranteed to come up.

These questions such as, what can you tell us about our company and why do you want to work for us?

If you’ve researched their company before your job interview, you will be able to answer those questions with confidence.

Make sure before your interview, you visit their website. You visit their About Us page and their social media pages and write down a list of the things you can talk about during your interview.

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 6: Have some questions of your own ready to ask at the end of the interview

If you know the questions you are going to ask when the interviewer says to you, do you have any questions for us? This helps to reduce anxiety simply because you are prepared and organized for what is to come.

Three great questions to ask at the end of your interview that show you are a caring and enthusiastic employee are:

  1. What would you need me to focus on in the first 30 days of starting?
  2. What’s the culture like within the company?
  3. What advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to do well in this position?

Overcoming Interview Anxiety Tip 7: Make sure you have your interview introduction ready before you go to the interview

We already know that the first thing they’re going to say to you at the start of the interview is introduce yourself, and if you can give a great interview introduction that is concise, positive and enthusiastic, it then sets you up with confidence for the rest of your interview.

READ: Hot to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” – Interview Questions and Answers

These are seven brilliant tips to help you reduce your nerves and ultimately overcome interview anxiety.

Thank you very much for reading this article, how to overcome job interview anxiety, and I wish you success in your interview.

by Scholars Hub

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