Learn How to PASS your NURSING Job Interview

In this post article you will learn how to pass a nurse interview, so it does not matter which health care organization, NHS Trust Medical Center or hospital you are applying to join as a nurse. Make sure you go through this post from beginning to end, because it will help you to pass your interview.

To achieve that goal, this is what we will cover:

  • A list of nurse interview questions, strongly recommended you prepare for now. These questions are suitable for all nursing job roles.
  • Brilliant Example Answers to difficult nurse interview questions
  • Great tips on how you can be the standout candidate during your nurse interview.

So let’s get straight into it now. The first nurse job interview question to prepare for is “Tell me about Yourself”.

Question #1: Tell me about Yourself

Tip – This is going to be the first nurse interview question you will need to answer. Now, this is your opportunity to showcase the skills, the qualities and experiences you have that are a match for the nursing role you are applying for.

So here’s a great example Answer to assist you.

Example Answer: “Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this nurse position today. I have applied to become a nurse with your organization because I strongly believe I have the skills, the qualities and the experience to perform to a very high standard and to meet the expectations of the job description.

I have excellent communication skills; I am compassionate; I enjoy providing outstanding care and treatment that is focused on the patient’s needs, and my team working skills ensure I will always work towards achieving the wider health care trust’s objectives.

Now, over the years I’ve worked in a variety of nursing positions and I’ve gained considerable experience in dealing with challenging patients, working alongside healthcare team members from different departments, and ensuring the treatment and care provided is to a high quality standard. It is safe and it is in line with health care and nursing operational procedures.

Now, if you employ me as a nurse, I am confident you will quickly see how I can contribute to the team in respect of my total commitment, my nursing knowledge and expertize and my flexibility in terms of being available to work the hours needed and more whenever required.”

So that’s a really good answer to that first nurse interview question, Tell me about yourself. It is positive in nature and that’s really important. The next nurse interview question that you need to prepare for is what are the most important values a nurse must demonstrate in his or her job?

Question #2: What are the most important values a Nurse must demonstrate in his or her job?

Tip – All health care organizations and NHS trusts and hospitals have a set of values, they expect their nurses and staff to demonstrate in their work. So this nurse interview question is assessing your understanding of those really important values.

So here’s another great example answer to help you.

Example Answer: “The most important values a nurse must adhere to in their work are compassion and empathy, working together with other health care professionals, respect and dignity, everyone counts, a total commitment to high quality care and working to improve people’s lives.

Now, compassion and empathy are needed because patients are often going through a difficult time and you must show genuine understanding and that you care. Respect and dignity apply to both patients and work colleagues; everyone must be valued, included and respected.

Everyone counts means that you must provide the same level of attention, treatment and care, regardless of who they are or their background. A commitment to quality care means taking responsibility for your own professional development, following your training and procedures and acting in line with healthcare protocols.

Finally, improving people’s lives means you must take the opportunity to educate your patients to lead healthier lives and to ensure you get involved with initiatives that help improve patient well-being.”

Now that’s another really strong answer because it is positive and it demonstrates that you are knowledgeable about those really important values a nurse must adhere to in his or her work. Let look at the next question to help you pass your nurse interview.

Question #3: Why do you want to work for our Healthcare Organization as a Nurse?

Tip – This question is guaranteed to come up during your nurse interview. We will focus the answer to this interview question on how the healthcare organization, the trust or the medical center is run and also the values they have laid down for everyone to follow in their work.

So here’s another really good answer to help you pass your nurse interview, “Why do you want to work for our health care organization as a nurse?”

Example Answer: “I want to work for your healthcare organization primarily because of the values you expect all staff to demonstrate in their work, and the fact that I have heard nothing but positive things about the way the senior management team run the hospital/medical centre.

Now, prior to applying to become a nurse here, I studied the values and I like the fact that everything you do is centered on providing first class treatment and care, on ensuring respect and dignity is instilled in everyone’s working practices, and the fact that everyone counts.

The values mean a lot to me because I feel I will be respected in my nursing role; I will have the resources to do my job properly, and I will feel that I am part of a wider healthcare team that cares and they are all pulling in the same direction.”

That’s a brilliant answer and it will help you to stand out during your nursing interview. So here’s the next question that you need to prepare for.

Question #4: What has attracted you to Nursing?

Tip – Obviously, being a nurse is both challenging, but also highly rewarding. So in your answer to this common nurse interview question, talk about how you will get to make a difference in your work and also have a sense of pride by providing outstanding treatment, care and advice to your patients.

Here’s a great example answer to help you.

Example Answer: “I was attracted to nursing primarily because I am very much a people-person and someone who enjoys a responsibility that comes with a role of this nature.

Now, being a nurse requires you to adapt to so many different situations. You must be compassionate and always show empathy; alter your style of communication to meet the needs of the patient and make sure the treatment and care you provide is to a high standard and in line with the nursing guidelines and the values expected from your employer.

Being a nurse makes me feel proud because I get to make a positive difference to people’s lives every day, whether that’s providing appropriate treatment and care or providing educational advice to help people lead more responsible and healthier lives.”

That’s great example answer. Here’s a next question we need to prepare for.

Question #5: What does compassionate care mean and how would you deliver it as a nurse?

Tip – Two of the fundamental values of nursing are compassion and empathy. So this nurse interview question assesses your ability to demonstrate the value of compassion in your everyday work.

So below is example answer to help you

Example Answer: “Compassion in nursing is essential for not only reassuring and comforting the patient, but to also ensure you can obtain the right information to assess a patient’s condition and to create a suitable treatment plan that is appropriate and effective.

Now, compassion in nursing is about positive actions, demonstrating to the patient that you genuinely understand what they are going through, reassuring them they are receiving the best care possible, and answering any questions they may have with patience and understanding.

If a patient has someone to talk to and more importantly to listen to them, this can aid in their treatment and recovery. Now, when demonstrating compassion as a nurse, I would always be positive in my voice and my actions; I would listen carefully when the patient was speaking and I would provide emotional support during critical times.

I would also show respect and courtesy by demonstrating good manners, such as knocking on the patient’s door before entering their room and giving them privacy when requested or when appropriate.”

That’s professional and positive answer to that Nurse Interview question. Here’s the next one you need to prepare for.

Question #6: How would you deal with a difficult, irate or confrontational patient as a nurse?

Tip – Your communication skills and levels of professionalism are undoubtedly being assessed here. So be careful how you answer this question and do not get phased by the patient or their actions. Always focus on delivering excellent patient care.

So here’s example answer to help you

Example Answer: “I would be professional whilst dealing with the patient and I would not take anything they said personally.

The patient might be understandably anxious or worried about their treatment, which can often lead to them being difficult to deal with. I would assess the situation to find the underlying cause of their problem and I would show that I cared whilst communicating with them.

I would pay attention to what they were saying; I would listen, and I would try to make a connection with the patient which should help to improve the situation. At all times I would remain calm, and I would focus on my duties and ensure the treatment and care I provided was first class.”

That’s another great answer, you are being positive and that how to pass a nurse interview. It show that you are knowledgeable professional and also positive throughout the interview. It also shows that you know how to deal with this common nurse situation.

by Scholars Hub

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The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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