How to Follow up on a Job Application (with Email and Phone Call Samples)

There are some proven ways of following up on a job application. In this post article, you will learn how to follow up on a Job Application. Play it right and you’ll dramatically boost your chances of getting hired.

This post will show you:

  • A step-by-step formula for following up on every job application.
  • How to follow up on a job application to land more interviews.
  • Sample follow-up email.
  • How to follow up on a job application status by phone.

When to follow up on a job application?

There’s no fixed rule, but in general: no sooner than a week after submitting your resume.

Before you follow up, have another look at the job posting. Sometimes employers explicitly state that they do not want you to reach out to them to ask about your application status at this stage.

In other cases, the exact response date is provided in the job ad. Play by the rules. Following up before the due date will be rude at best and will hamper your chances of landing the job at worst.

How to follow up on a job application or resume:

  1. Use your connections

Go through your business and professional contacts to see if you know anyone from the company.

If you do, ask them to inform the proper hiring manager about your application, or to put you in touch with someone in charge of the recruitment.

  1. Get the hiring manager’s contact details

First, check if contact information is provided in the job offer.

If you’ve applied via a job board and there’s no direct email address in the job posting, check the company’s website for your hiring manager’s email address.

If the hiring manager contact details is not there, Call the company’s main desk and simply ask. That’ll do the trick.

  1. Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager

If you’ve sent your resume and cover letter (or any other form of job application) to an employer and haven’t heard back, consider sending a follow-up email to check on the status of your application. You can also follow up with an email if you don’t hear back after a job interview.

  • Use a clear subject line, for example: Following up on a job application for [position title].
  • Be polite and humble in the body of your message.
  • Say you’re still interested and reiterate why you’re the perfect fit.
  • Keep the resume follow-up email short.

Sample Resume Follow-Up Email

How to Follow up on a Job Application

We’re living in a digital age where good communication means fast communication.

A paper follow-up letter for your job application status can reach the hiring manager too late to make any difference or, worse yet, it might be treated as some unsolicited junk mail and never get opened.

Writing a resume follow-up email is definitely your best option.

And if after another week gone and still no response, then go for option 4 below.

  1. Make a phone call

A phone call is another option, but you may not be able to get contact information for the hiring manager. However you choose to reach out, make sure you are polished, professional, and polite.

  • Begin with asking if it’s a convenient time for the hiring manager to speak with you.
  • If not, ask when you can call them back.
  • Base your phone follow up on the sample script below:

Sample Follow Up-Phone Call Script

how to follow up on a job application by phone

Note: Unless the hiring manager set a response deadline and failed to keep it, don’t follow up more than twice. Calling or emailing every day or, worse than that, showing up in person to ask about your application will surely discourage the company from hiring you.

  1. Keep job seeking

Even if you think you’ve found a perfect job for you, don’t give up on applying to other companies while waiting for the response.

Don’t obsess over one job posting. No matter how great a candidate you are, you might not make it for reasons beyond your control.

Already interviewed and want to write a perfect interview follow-up email? Have a look at our dedicated guide and learn how to make the most of it: How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview (with Sample Examples).

How to Know Exactly When to Follow Up

First of all, to remind the hiring manager about your candidacy. Secondly, to help you put an end to the dreadful uncertainty. The job application follow-up has two purposes. Follow up through email at least one week after applying. After another week without response, call the company to check if they received your application.

If it’s done strategically, following up can be a great way to reinforce why you are qualified for the job, and can even get your application a closer look.

by Scholars Hub

Scholars Hub is a site created for Scholars, to guide you write professional CV, professional Resume, Biodata, Common Interview Questions and Answers. is NOT awarding scholarships, is NOT an employment site, NOT recruiter or agency or third party, and is NOT directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment or employment. We don’t charge anything for any information shared in this site.

The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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