Learn How to Apply for Jobs Online by Email and get the Job Interview

Have you applied for a job by email? Did you do it the right way? This post gives answers to those questions and more. In this article you will learn the best way to apply for a job by email so that you can get that invitation for an interview. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Welcome to the site that assists professionals succeed in their career. Make sure you go through this article very well, it will really help you a lot. Today we are looking at how you can apply for a job by email the right way. Writing a job application is a difficult and daunting task, both for a young graduate and an experienced professional.

You need to do the research about the company, the position, write a customized cover letter and a professional CV. Remember, the hiring manager is receiving tons and tons of emails. So if you don’t make your e-mail stand out, then yours will never be read. There are seven aspect of an application done online through email which we are going to discuss in this article.

Seven Aspect of an Application done Online through Email

  1. Professional email address

The first aspect is that you need to have a professional email address while you’re applying for a job.

Yes it might have been fun while you are yet a teenager, you are in school or campus where you had some funny email addresses like Megaparty at Gmail dot com (megaparty@gmail.com),  Mr funny at Yahoo dot com (mrfunny@yahoo.com). It might have worked, but using the same email address to apply for a job will not put you in positive light in the eyes of the recruiter.

You need to come up with a professional email address and the best way it is to use your official names, it might be your first name and the last name, like James Brown at Gmail dot com(i.e Jamesbrown@gmail.com) or Peter George at Gmail dot com(i.e Petergeorge@gmail.com) or James Mark at Yahoo dot com(i.e Jamesmark@yahoo.com). Try out different combination and you get the one that is perfect for you. Recruiters take seriously applications that come in through a professional even address.

  1. Professional Photo

The second aspect of a job application done through email is that it is important for you to put a professional photo on your email address profile.

In this jet age, it is not necessary for you to put your photo in your CV. However, by adding a professional photo on your email address profile, it gives the hiring manager and the recruiters a sense of who you are and how serious you are. This is a clever way of putting in a photo where they can easily see you from a professional perspective. So think about it and add a professional photo on your email address profile.

Read Now: How to Write Modern Cover Letter for any Job Application

  1. Have an informative subject line.

Perhaps this is the most overlooked component of a job application by email that is not done right. Your subject line should be informative before the hiring manager opens the mail, they read the subject line. So in the subject line it should be informative. Make it clear that you are applying for a job, and then mention the job that you are applying for. If they had a reference number or reference code, make sure to include it in the subject line. This makes it easier for the hiring manager to track and identify these application for which job? Always remember we are trying to make the work easier for the hiring manager. They receive dozens and tons of mails. So make your application stand out by having a very informative subject.

How to Apply for Jobs Online by Email

Read Now: How to Write Modern Cover Letter for any Job Application

  1. Be focused and brief

Try to make sure you keep your job application email short, brief and straight to the point.

The first line of the first paragraph should clearly state your intent. As a result, the recruiters will clearly get to know what this mail is even is all about from the likelihood they will respect you for keeping it short and simple. Then go ahead and provide information why you are the best candidate. Your CV has most of the information so you don’t need to repeat them here. Is just about showing them that you’re the right candidate. What makes you the right candidate?

Include and mention about your experience and qualification in a very briefly, because most of the information they will be able to find it in your CV. Remember, we’re just teasing them to ensure that they get to understand why you’re the right candidate. And of course, for them to get more information, they can then open your CV, which you haven’t closed or you have attached in that email address. If they someone who had fired you for this position, it is good for you to mention it in the email.

The early you mentioned it, the more curiosity you make. You’re actually using that particular edition in this case.

  1. Use formal greetings and closing

Using the appropriate formal greetings and closing will convey a sense of professionalism and respect to the hiring managers. Never start your e-mail with the greetings like, hi, hey, this is not professional.

The safest and most professional manner of addressing the hiring manager is using Dear Sir, Dear Mr, Dear Mrs. and use their last name, not their first name. Again, when you’re closing, don’t use some closing statement like “Cheers”, “best wishes”. Be more professional and use some closing remarks like “Kind regards”, “Yours Sincere” and after your closing remarks.

  1. Use a Professional electronic signature

Use a professional electronic signature. When you write a letter on paper at the end of each, you say, but it might not be possible for you to put in your signature in your email.

But lucky enough, we have some electronic signatures that you can include. Some of them come in with the email service provider or some you can sign up for in other website. You can use search engines to get more clue about electronic signature.

Electronic signature is where now you put your name, your email address, your phone number, and makes it easier for the hiring manager to contact you once they have been impressed by your email. They don’t necessarily need to open the CV to get your contact details.

  1. Attach relevant documents

Your job application email is only significant if it contains documents that support your candidacy. It is important for you to only send relevant documents and only what has been asked for.

In most cases, the only thing that you need to do is to attach your professional CV. Attaching tons attachments in your CV, your cover letter, your IP, your certificates, your transcript, your driving license, all these are not helping. They are not supporting your candidacy unless it was mentioned clearly, “Please attach these things in the job description”. If they were not asked for just attach your professional CV and of course it will need any other details they will ask for it.

Make sure you double check you have attached the documents most of the time, it maybe attached but in that email actually there is no attachment. Very few hiring managers or recruiters will get back to you to tell you that you did not attach the document. So it is important to double check before sending out.

So, that is it. Those are the seven aspects that you need to consider to ensure that you make the best job application through email.

  1. Have a professional email address
  2. Have a professional photo on your email profile.
  3. Make sure you have an informative, even subject line.
  4. Then make the body of your email be focused and brief.
  5. Include formal greetings and closing.
  6. Think about using a professional electronic signature.
  7. Attach relevant documents.

From this article, you can now be able to match your cover letter, the job description, and it will give you details on how you can be able to write a very professional cover letter.

Read Now: How to Write Modern Cover Letter for any Job Application

Credit to Daniel Mutuku

by Scholars Hub

Scholars Hub is a site created for Scholars, to guide you write professional CV, professional Resume, Biodata, Common Interview Questions and Answers. Tlcpost.com is NOT awarding scholarships, is NOT an employment site, NOT recruiter or agency or third party, and tlcpost.com is NOT directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment or employment. We don’t charge anything for any information shared in this site.

The aim of setting up this interesting site is to help Scholars/Students, mostly from developing countries, by sharing and giving you some guidelines to write professional CV, Professional Resume for Job application, including some Common Interview Questions and Answers.

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